

The Voice for Justice is a global community organization whose mission is to prevent acts of injustice, and to actively seek and ensure justice against any action of an individual, group or entity deemed illegal, unfair or discriminatory. Voice for Justice firmly believes that justice delayed is justice denied. Although primary members of Voice for Justice are professionals living in Europe, North America and Asia, the organization seeks support and co-operation of all global citizens in fulfilling its mission.

“Man’s capacity for justice makes democracy possible but man’s inclination to injustice makes democracy necessary.” - Reinhold Niebuhr

Letter seeking Clemency and Release of Bangladeshi workers to His Highness Prime Minister of United Arab Emirates.

VfGB letter to Nobel Peace Laureate Dr. Mohammad Yunus as Chief Adviser of the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh

Bangladesh student protesters eye new party to cement their revolution

Voice for Global Bangladeshis (VfGB) Residential 2024, Toronto, Canada

Turmoil in Bangladesh - Letter of Nobel Lauriet Prof. Dr. Yunus to world leaders.

The Road to Democracy

Letter to Rt. Hon. David Lammy, Secretary of State Foreign Affairs - Gaza under fresh attack

Layla Moran's letter dated 09-02-24, to the British Prime Minister and Foreign Minister on Offensive on Rafah in Gaza

 Talking point

Nobel Laureate Prof. Yunus's  sentencing by a Bangladeshi Labour Court

A message from Michael Rowe

A message worth listening to

Letter from Albert Einstein dated 21 January 1946, on Palestine

Britain's Most Famous Philosopher on Zionism

Clear violations of humanitarian law in Gaza

Response to US Senator Berne Sander's letter regarding terrorism in Gaza

Condemning Israel's collective punishment of Gaza


News coverage of the Muslim Community Service Awards and Gala Dinner held on 21st of July 2023


Letter to US Ambassador to UN, Thomas-Greenfield regarding Bangladesh


Too little too late


Rohingyas and Human Rights abuses in Bangladesh


Letter to UN Secretary General


Home of the floating Lily


Understanding Bangladesh Crisis' - a VfGB Seminar in Kualalumpur, Malaysia. August 2022


Unchartered Territory' and 'Hope and Despair' by VFJ Abdur Rahman Chowdhury


Diplomacy in Obscurity a book by Hemayet Uddin, a career diplomat since 1975


Bangladesh Nurses


Dalit girl Tortured


Letter to the Director General of the BBC protesting the proposed closure of BBC Bangla service


Voice for Global Bangladeshis letter on 'Forthcoming General Election in Bangladesh', to the Secretary General of the United Nations.


Message from Her Majesty The Queen for the Voice for Global Bangladeshis VfGB Tribute to 'NRB Liberation War Heroes of 1971' in the House of Commons on 29th March 2022.


50th Anniversary of Bangladesh Independence


Statement On the Murder Of Al Jazeera Journalist Shireen Abu Akleh 


Voice for Global Bangladesh

The tragedy of a fallen remittance fighter

Genocide Watch recognises Pak Army's 1971 genocide in Bangladesh

The US Sanctions Against Bangladesh Law Enforcing Officials 

List of NRB veterans of 1971 War of Independence of Bangladesh

In remembrance of Huseyn Shaheed Suhrawardy

 Stranded Bangladeshis in France

2021 Nobel Peace Prize- an encouragement to defenders of freedom of expression

Stateless and forgotten : The Bengali refugees in Pakistan

Green Energy and Green Bond Investment

This wasn't an easy speech to give, but I can't be silent about Islamophobia.

Anatomy of an American debacle in Afghanistan

Crisis in Gaza

Gaza Israel conflict May 2021

Finally we can breathe

Deepest condolence on behalf of Global Bangladeshis on the death of HRH Duke of Edinburgh

USA Senators' Bipartisan letter calling for sanctions on Bangladesh Battalion for extrajudicial killings, enforced disappearances and killings

Thanks to the Ambassadors/High Commissioners reminding Bangladesh about its obligations under international human rights laws and standards.

Joint Statement by Thirteen OECD Ambassadors and High Commissioners in Dhaka,  on the Death of Mr. Mushtaq Ahmed' in Police custody

Voice for Justice protesting the death of writer Mr. Mushtaq Ahmed  in Police Custody in Bangladesh

Russian crackdown on Navalny supporters

Post-Trump World: Is Democracy Dying in America As Well

Five years since Paris Accord: Are we any better?

Electoral system in the USA needs overhauling

In quest of humanity

VfGB's Gratitude and Thanks to His Excellency the Prime Minister of Malaysia

Voice For Global Bangladeshis VfGB's gratiude and thanks to the Minister of Expatriates' Welfare & Overseas Employment

Demanding  overdue payments from UK Debenhams’ supply-chain vendors for Bangladesh Garments workers

Protesting arrests of returning NRBs and putting them on to Bangladesh jails without any specific charge/s

Reuters Publishes Account of Myanmar Massacre  

Butcher of Bosnia Ratko Mladic

Stop the genocide against Rohingyas in Myanmar - letter to the UK PM

Rohingyas Genocide

Two disasters, two countries, two peoples

'Aren't Rohingyas Bengalis'  by :VFJ Dr. Taj Hashmi


The Rohingya Issue - strong evidence of Genocide



Why colleges don’t hire more faculty of color


The Real Source of Terror in Bangladesh


Prophet Muhammad Promised to Protect ALL Christians of the World

Should Britain bomb Syria or not

A Very British Scrap

Government reforms and Junior doctors' work contracts.


India kills unarmed poor villagers


Charles Kennedy


Rohingya migrants at sea


Nuclear deal with Iran reached


British MPs on Bangladesh's present political crisis


Science in Islam


Demonstration in front of 10 Downing Street,  Petition to the Prime Minister - No Terrorism in the name of Islam 


No to Terrorism, in the name of Islam


Winning the Long Battle


We Must Unite to Defeat the So-Called Islamic State



Protesting Israeli aggressions in Gaza


A Hideous Atrocity": Noam Chomsky on Israel’s Assault on Gaza & U.S. Support for the Occupation






VFJ protests against Israel in front of 10 Downing Street, 19 July 2014

We demonstrated for 5 hours and walked 10 miles from Downing Street to Israeli Embassy at High Street Kensington.


The young VFJs helped. Look at these new  links pouring in Facebook:








VFJ protests against Israel in front of 10 Downing Street 19 July 2014 in Bengali




Bangladesh Elections


Nelson Mandela


Nelson Mandela “An icon of our time”


'Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) and Saudi Arabia'



New turn in Iran – US relations

Egypt’s unfinished revolution

·       Egypt’s unfinished revolution Hasan Zillur Rahim

·        Morsi’s one year term of presidency — Abdur Rahman Chowdhury

Concerns over the Safety and Economic Viability of the Proposed Rooppur Nuclear Power Plant (RNPP) in Bangladesh

·       'Nuclear Dilemma'

·       VVER-1000 Incidents and Accidents

·       Response from the Deputy Prime Minister, UK on RNPP 

Demand For Reform In The Garments Industry After Hundreds Killed In Building Collapse In Savar, Bangladesh

Brutality in Bangladesh - Voice For Justice World Forum's Letter to UN Secretary General

Brutality in Bangladesh Responses from the Office of the Prime Minister of Canada.

Brutality in Bangladesh Response from the office of the Deputy Prime Minister, UK. Part 1 Part2


Bangladesh justice: damned if you do, damned if you don't

Toby M. Cadman 5 March 2013

'Peace and Security in South Asia'  Pervez Hoodbhoy

A long-time activist assembles scientists from feuding states to confront the bomb and those who would use it for ill.

February 11, 2013


Shame on India Dr. Anisur Rahman is a VFJ member in the UK and has written about the recent Delhi Gang rape in India.)


A poem written in response to the Delhi gang rape case -By Silmi Abdullah VFJ, Toronto




Arundhati Roy speaks out against Indian rape culture in :



Forced Marriage

Forced Marriage is Criminal, but Criminalising is not the best solution - Muhammad Abdul Bari

UK Jewish MP Condemns Israeli Attack on Gaza:
"Israel Acting Like Nazis"

Violence Over A Video

Open Letter to Honorable Prime Minister of Bangladesh
Regarding Professor Yunus and the Grameen Bank

Stop Atrocities in Burma

Teepaimukh Issue Raised in European Parliament

VfJ Supports the Asian Human Rights Commission and Calls Upon
the Government of Bangladesh to Offer Shelter to Persecuted
Rohingyas of Myanamar (Burma)


Support Syrians in Their Fight for Freedom and Justice
Doing Right in Syria

Early Day Motions Updated

Early Day Motion at the House of Commons on Teepaimukh Dam

Stop Rooppur Nuclear Power Plant

Finally, Some Justice for the People of Sierra Leone!
Mass-Murderer Charles Taylor Sentenced

Evience of Ongoing Torture in Sri Lanka

Iran and the United States

Stop the Carnage in Syria!

Please Stop the Teepaimukh Dam and Sign the e-Petition

Members of VfJ Chapter, New York, Protesting Teepaimukh Dam
Protest Against Teepaimukh Dam in Paris
Watch this Video to Understand the Gravity of the Situation
More Video Clips
Waging Legal War Against Teepaimukh Dam
Disastrous Consequences of Teepaimukh Dam

Honorable Exit from War in Afghanistan

Iraq War Continues by Other Means

Stand Against the Dowry System

Stop Child Labour

Justice for Kashmiris
What do Pakistani Girls Think About India?

VFJ Submission to Australian Parliamentary Enquiry
Committee on Australian Indigenous Communities

The New Libya

Seeking Justice for Violence Against Women

Justice for Syrians

Protesting Extra-Judicial Killings by RAB in Bangladesh
RAB Licensed to Kill?

An innovative course on Justice at Harvard that has
become popular throughout the world

Justice in an Imperfect World

Stop Rape, Murder and Genocide in Libya

Protesting Dismissal of Nobel Laureate Dr. Yunus
Strong Reaction to Nobel Laureate's Dismissal

Libyans Will Liberate Libya
Comments on Libya by VfJ Members

Response to British PM David Cameron's
Remarks on Multiculturalism

In Solidarity with the Egyptian Revolution

VfJ Regional Conference at Millenium University,
Dhaka, Bangladesh, December 2010

Why Do They Pick On Pakistanis?
By Pervez Hoodbhoy

The Disaster of Deforestation
Losing Land to the Sea
A Manmade Disaster
South Asia Most Vulnerable to Climate Change
A Forestry Minister's Observations

VfJ World Forum Booklet 2010

Voice for Justice 2010 Cardiff International Conference

Justice for Hajj Victims - Money Recovered

VfJ Sunderland Chapter

VfJ Wales Chapter

Justice for the Environment:
A Speech by Prince Charles

Protesting the Attack on the Gaza Aid Flotilla

Protesting Ban on Freedom of Press

The Power of Forgiveness

Background of the Peelkhana Tragedy
The Peelkhana Tragedy and Justice Video
The Peelkhana Tragedy and Justice Report

Protesting ritual whale and dolphin hunting in the Faroe Islands
Template for protest letter to Danish Government
Template in PDF

Afghanistan: The Big Picture

Climate Change: VfJ Rally at the UN

VfJ LSE Conference 2009
VfJ Inaugural International Conference Highlights

Ittefaq Coverage
Bangla Mirror
Potrika Coverage
VfJ Inaugural Conference Images

VfJ Inaugural Conference Announcement

VfJ Scotland Chapter

Solve the Middle East Crisis Now
U.K. Secretary of State's Plea for Peace
Hyde Park Protest
Cease-Fire in Gaza
British MP's Approval
Prominent Professor's Support
Ambassador's Statement
British MP's Statement
US Congressman's View
A Poem for Peace

The Case of Barrister Rizwan  
Justice Served in Barrister Rizwan Case
Daily Star Report
UK Coverage of Barrister Rizwan Case

Minister's Letter of Support

Bangla Post Hajj Victim Editorial
Hajj Culprit Sentenced
Justice for Hajj Victims
UK Community Newspaper on Hajj Culprit

Dual Citizenship for Expatriates
Young Activist's Inspiring Response

A Poem by Silmi Abdullah

The Dark Side of Dubai: A Report by Johann Hari
Justice for Immigrants

Justice for Immigrant Workers in Kuwait

Voice for Justice Takes Shape:
Founder's Protest Letter to PM Tony Blair

Protest Against Forest Gate Police Raid

Voice For Justice Theme Song (Bangla)
Voice For Justice Theme Song (English)

(You will need an MP3 player - Media Player,
RealPlayer, QuickTime - to listen to the song)