32 Woodland Way

Essex IG8 0QQ


12 July 2006

Rt. Hon. Tony Blair MP
Prime Minister,
10 Downing Street
London  SW1A 2AA.

Our reference: PM 001/VFJ                                                                                

Dear Sir,

We, the British Bangladeshi Muslim community, are concerned about the recent police
raid in Forest Gate (London E7) on 2 June.

Several community meetings have taken place since then to discuss the matter. 
A committee in the name of ‘Voice for Justice’ has been formed by Community leaders
of Bangladeshi Organisations in the UK. 

There was also a public meeting at the Brady Centre of East London on 25th of June.

The main messages emerging from these meetings are as follows : 

1. The Bangladeshi community of Great Britain is against any form of violence, extremism and terrorism. 
We denounce any form of violence and terrorism in the name of any community or religion.

2. Nobody denies the need for robust policing to maintain the security of the country and its people. 
However, terrorism must be challenged and collectively stopped.

We are surprised at the level of intolerance and ignorance in the British media towards
liberal, inclusive, tolerant and multi-ethnic Islam preached by Prophet Mohammad (PBUH). 
Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) was not a messenger of theocracy or autocratic rule. 
His was a multi-ethnic state where Jews, Muslims and Christians lived in peace.

3. The British Muslim community is feeling insecure and alienated.

It seems that the policy of ‘innocent till proven guilty’ is being forgotten and ‘Guilty until proven innocent’
has become the policy for British Muslims. This alienation is counter-productive and must stop.  

The community would like to know:

(a) What procedures are the police following?

(b) What is the nature of police training in cases such as this? There seem to be serious flaws
in the liaison between Intelligence and the Metropolitan Police.

(c) Where is local community consultation? It seems no consideration was given to community
policing and consultation with local community.

We believe consulting relevant grassroots level community members/leaders/organisations on matters
of personal/local/national security will help our police comprehend the culprits more effectively.

We do not want to see any recurrence of Stockwell or Forest Gate incidents that has offended and
alienated our community.

We shall do our part to combat any extremism. However, we also want your assurance for fair play and justice.
Your response on this matter to the British Bangladeshi Muslim Community would be appreciated.

Thanking you.

Yours sincerely,

Dr. Hasanat M. Husain MBE (Convenor)

On behalf of 'Voice for Justice'

Email : hasanathusain@yahoo.co.uk 


* Bangladeshi community meetings

CC :  Rt. Hon. Dr. John Reid MP, Secretary of State for Home Affairs.