This campaign is on humanitarian ground irrespective of any party political affiliation of any group or country and is purely about saving nature and people from the disastrous ecological, social and
economic impact of the Teepaimukh Dam

25 November 2011

India is going ahead with the building of Teepaimukh Dam. The project ignored the recommendations of the WCD (World Commission on Dams). 

India is doing this with total disregard to the calls of the people of Barak valley (people from both upstream and downstream) and ignoring joint detailed and independent Environment Impact Assessment (EIA), which is required under the Environment Protection Act 1986.

There has been no meaningful public consultation. Neither there is Environment Management Plan (EMP) for formulating, implementing and monitoring environmental protection measures (during and after the project) nor there is any Rehabilitation and Resettlement Plan!  

The UN Committee on Elimination of Racial Discrimination has also urged the government of India not to construct Teepaimukh Dam in its concluding observation of the seventieth session from February 19 to March 9, 2007 and in its special communications made on August 15, 2008, March 13, 2009 and September 23, 2009, the Forum further pointed out and urged authorities concerned to follow free, fair and prior informed consent of the people under ILO Convention 107.

The 163m high dam of 1500 MW will submerge more than 286 sq. km of prime farmland. One third of Bangladesh and lives of 40 million Bangladeshis will be affected.

In the event of a medium size earthquake in that area, the dam will vanish in minutes and 10 million lives will perish.

We strongly believe that if we can create enough opposition and build up enough global condemnation, the hands of the Bangladesh Government and its people will be strengthened and India will be stopped from building the Teepaimukh Dam.

Farakka was built with relative ease because we were at the time busy liberating Bangladesh from Pakistan, but this time we shall not let Teepaimukh go so easily.

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Thank you!

Voice For Justice World Forum